Чегодаев Владимир
Менеджер по разработке ПО - ICL Services
Attended conferences (2)
Talks (2)
  • 02.02.2015
    Who is the modern Project Manager

    Who is the modern Project Manager? Quite a lot people are argue about it. Some of them think that Project manager is a Technical specialist. Other people think that the Project manager is a Salesman. Other ones think that the Project manager is a Manager.

    Before we get an answer on this question, let have a look what project manager should do during the project and his responsibilities.

    • Average
    • 20 min
    • Analyst Days / 4
  • 31.07.2014
    Who is the modern Project Manager

    Who is the modern Project Manager? Quite a lot people are argue about it. Some of them think that Project manager is a Technical specialist. Other people think that the Project manager is a Salesman. Other ones think that the Project manager is a Manager. Before we get an answer on this question, let have a look what project manager should do during the project and his responsibilities.

    • Average
    • 20 min
    • SPM Conf / 4
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