Ведущий эксперт МТС
В прошлом:
Архитектор Цифровой платформы Сбера
Технолог Центра развития технологий блока "Финансы" ПАО "Сбербанк" и преподаватель кафедры БИТ МФТИ
13.07.2022Modelling Method and Style - the approach and usage
The variety of models used by systems and business analysts in their work and the use of different notations leads to "mixing languages" and causes a situation when the stakeholders do not fully benefit from the model development because various modelling approaches lead to inconsistent and contradictory interpretations and create a situation where it is quite difficult to reconcile different models with each other.
In addition, the lack of a unified approach to modelling leads to the fact that people often waste time reconciling models created using different approaches.
This problem is quite well known to the analyst and system architects who work in large companies (the volume of models is about 10,000 significant elements of the model).
I will present an approach used to solve such problems company-wide and show how to develop modelling conventions, how to implement and how to use them.
40 min
Analyst Days / 15
07.06.2017Developing and reusing of the models library in IT projects
The approaches to developing the models libriaries will be displayed and discussed in this master-class
40 min
Analyst Days / 7
26.01.2017Developing the IT Analysts Staff - programs and methods
I will speak about the IT analysts skills and development in Russia, about the approaches to the analysts core skills improvement.
I will compare some approaches based on my own experience
40 min
Analyst Days / 6
08.12.2015Business Process Modelling: Instruments and Methods
This master class will show how to model business processes. I will compare the business process modelling notations and tools, and give some criteria how to select them.
And I will show how to develop use cases based on the business process scenarios.
1h 30 min
Analyst Days / 5
05.10.2015When Do Managers Fail to Plan the Projects
This presentation will describe the typical errors made by non-experienced IT project managers in projects planning.
I will give some recommendations on methods and tools used to avoid these errors.
40 min
SPM Conf / 5
02.02.2015Outsorsing Projects Estimation
The majority of outsorsing projects are run under the Fix Time, Fix Budget terms. Therefore, the careful project time and budget estimations are very important. This presentation concerns the methods of project estimations and the impact of project risks on time and budget.
20 min
Analyst Days / 4
15.07.2014Outsorsing Projects Estimation
The majority of outsorsing projects are run under the Fix Time, Fix Budget terms. Therefore, the careful project time and budget estimations are very important. This presentation concerns the methods of project estimations and the impact of project risks on time and budget.
20 min
SPM Conf / 4
03.03.2014The Effectivenes of the System Analyst
In many cases, the personnel assessment involves the effectiveness-based evaluation. I would like to show both successful and not successful examples of the metrics used to estimate the effectiveness of a system analyst in a software development project.
40 min
Analyst Days / 3